Friday, July 30, 2010

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

This is a picture of a stem that that been cut. Inside is the xylem. Xylem is what carries water and other minerals the plant needs to stand to face the sun, and support itself. withour xylem, the plant can not function properly and would die.

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

The fish in the picture, represents an ectotherm. An ectothern is a animal that uses it's enviromental energy to regulate its body temperature. It also uses its behaivoral adaptaions. For example, fishes swim deeper in water in the summer becuase the water on top is too hot.

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

This is my dog. A dog is one of many examples of a Endotherm. An endotherm is a mammal that uses heat to regulate it's body tempature.

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

The sunflower is what Zac is pointing at in this picture. This sunflower is an example of radial summetry. It has a circular shape to it that would break down into even pieces if you were to cut or tear it apart.

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

This here, is a cricket, which is also an arthropod. It's body is segmented, and has jointed appendages.

Biology Collection 2: Lindsey Werner

This here is a pteridophyte. It is a non proper name for a fern which is what I have on my front porch. Ferns are very unique, they can be small or large, and used in different landscaping ways.

Friday, June 25, 2010

This worm has a segmented body. It's broken up into different parts all having a specific function that operates properly helping the worm survive.

This picture represents the term leaf-gymnosperm. It is a leaf that gives off certain things for the fertilization process.

This is an example of a pollinator. A pollinator transfers the fertilazation process to spread and reprduce the oraganism.

This is a picture of a female pine cone. It is much larger than male pine cones, and they contain an ovule. The ovule contains eggs which is where fertilization is occurred.

This picture is to represent phloem. phloem is tubes where sugar, water, and nutrients are placed to help nurture the plant.

The woody stem of this plant gives a stong foundation and allows the plant to grow bigger and taller.

This picture represents by term exoskeleton. Exoskeleton is a hard outer shell used to protect the organsim.

In this picture I have a picture of a plant with thorns on it. It's purpose is to protect the plant. For example, the thorns put up a shield to any animals trying to eat at it.

This is a picture of an autotrogh. An autotrogh is an organism that relys on the sun and the rain for the most part.

In this picture, I have a conifer leaf. It can be found on a cedar tree or other cone bearing trees. It has a needle like texture.